Goal and Background
The goal of the Mini Term Project was to use all of the techniques and skills learned throughout the semester to create a map that answered a spatially related question. It allows for the conceptualizing of how GIS can be utilized to decipher practical problems in the World. The Mini Term Project allowed one to develop both an issue with spatial dimensions and the solution to the problem.To create the map, criteria had to be formed to solve the problem and data had to be collected from a variety of sources. This was then modeled out to show the geoprocesses in action.Methods
Model Used to Create Map for Potential Land Development Dark green circles indicate shapefiles that were left on the final map. |
The project was started with Wisconsin's DNR County Boundaries, the WI DNR National Forests, and the Topper's Wisconsin Water Bodies (only the Lakes shapefile) feature classes being added to a blank map in ArcMap. After that, a ten mile buffer was created around the National Forests. Then the Lakes shapefile is intersected with the National Forest buffer to find potential lakes within ten miles of National Forests. The Wisconsin counties were then selected with the select by polygon selection feature to determine which counties the lakes and forests are located in. The National Forests were then clipped to only allow the National Forests within the counties of interest. At this point, a 2 mile buffer was created around the lakes to determine potential land that could be determined to be suitable for development. To determine if the potential land is suitable, land use data was then brought in. Raster land use data was then brought in from the Geospatial Data Gateway. It was converted from raster data to vector data to use within the current map. After the vector data was added, it was intersected with the two mile buffer of the lakes to determine the land use around the lakes of interest. At that point a select by attribute query was done to select the High Density Development, Medium Density Development, and Cropland land use data. That selection was then created into a new feature layer, and then erased from the two mile buffer around the lakes. This allowed for viewing of all of the potential land that could be used for development of a hotel or resort.
Select by Attribute Query to select area around lakes that should be erased.
Final Results map to display potential resort locations in Northern Wisconsin. |
ESRI. (2014). [Wisconsin County Boundaries].
ESRI. (2014). [WiDNR2014.DBO.National Forest].
UW Eau Claire Geography. (2015). [Topper Wisconsin Water Bodies Service].
Bureau of Land Management. (2000). [Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Townships and Sections].
ESRI. (2014). [WiDNR2014.DBO.National Forest].
UW Eau Claire Geography. (2015). [Topper Wisconsin Water Bodies Service].
Bureau of Land Management. (2000). [Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Townships and Sections].